Sunday, July 29, 2012

Do Not Track Plus (DNT+)

Official Site -
Do Not Track Plus is a free internet browser add-on, plugin or extension that blocks websites or tracking companies, such as advertising companies & social networks, from tracking your browsing activities online without your knowledge or consent. Installing DNT+ is one more way to protect your privacy. It's compatible with PCs & Macs, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox. It updates automatically to catch new trackers.

When installing DNT+ in any browser, make sure you are not using a proxy or Tor or Vidalia or PeerBlock. Disable or turn them off first.

In Google Chrome, go to then click the Free Download button. Click the Add button in the new interface. A new blue & red circular icon will be added to the far right corner of your Address bar. When you see that icon, it means DNT+ is properly installed and now actively protecting your privacy.

In Mozilla Firefox, go to then click the Free Download button. A small window will pop up. Click the Allow button. In the new window, click Install Now. Then click Restart Now. The DNT+ icon will appear at the far right corner of the Address Bar. 

In Internet Explorer (IE), go to then click the Free Download button. A new light yellow bar (called Information Bar) will appear just below the tabs like this:

Rightclick the Information Bar and choose Download File...Click Run.
Click Run again. Then click Continue. Close Internet Explorer. Then click OK>Next>I accept the agreement (radio button)>Next>Next. The DNT+ icon will be aligned with and to the right of the tabs. The icon looks like the icon you will see in Chrome after you install the DNT+ but with slightly different colors.

I do not use Safari so I really can't tell you the details on how to install DNT+ in that browser.

Ghostery is a good alternative to DNT+.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Improving system speed

I found this posted in a forum. I hope the author does not mind me posting it here.

Some Tips To Improve System Speed
By: vipul_1614 

1.  Let your PC boot up completely before opening any applications.

2.  Refresh the desktop after closing any application. This will remove any unused files from the RAM.

3.  Do not set very large file size images as your wallpaper. Do not keep a wallpaper at all if your PC is low on RAM (less than 64 MB).

4.  Do not clutter your Desktop with a lot of shortcuts. Each shortcut on the desktop uses up to 500 bytes of RAM

5.  Empty the recycle bin regularly. The files are not really deleted from your hard drive until you empty the recycle bin.

6.  Delete the temporary internet files regularly.

7.  Defragment your hard drive regularly or once every two months. This will free up a lot of space on your hard drive and rearrange the files so that your applications run faster.

8.  Always make two partitions in your hard drive. Install all large Softwares (like PSP, Photoshop, 3DS Max etc) in the second partition. Windows uses all the available empty space in C drive as virtual memory when your Computer RAM is full. Keep the C Drive as empty as possible.

9.  When installing new Softwares disable the option of having a tray icon. The tray icons use up available RAM, and also slow down the booting of your PC. Also disable the option of starting the application automatically when the PC boots. You can disable these options later on also from the Tools or preferences menu in your application.

10.  Protect your PC from dust. Dust causes the CPU cooling fan to jam and slow down thereby gradually heating your CPU and affecting the processing speed. Use compressed air to blow out any dust from the CPU. Never use vacuum.

11.  Add more memory (RAM).

12.  Use CCleaner or similar utilities regularly to clean up your system.

13.  Disable startup programs or processes not needed to boot up Windows.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Restricting Tor to use proxies from specific countries

Some of you might be using TOR so I'd like to share some codes that I found online to speed up TOR a bit and restrict it to use proxies in specific countries only. If you use TOR, you probably have experienced slow connections sometimes. To speed up Tor you can try the following easy steps:

First thing is you will need to have Vidalia bundle installed.

Next, double-click the icon for Vidalia Control Panel in your task bar. This should bring up the Vidalia Control Panel.

Click on "Settings" to bring up the settings screen.
Click on the "Advanced" button to bring up that tab.
Take note of the path to the "Tor Configuration File".
Go to that location and open up the "torrc".

***Alternative to the above instructions***
Click START>PROGRAMS>VIDALIA BUNDLE>TOR>TORRC. This will launch Torrc in Notepad.
Make a backup of torrc before editing.

After you get the torrc open, at the end of it, paste the following code:

# Try for at most NUM seconds when building circuits. If the circuit isn't
# open in that time, give up on it. (Default: 1 minute.)
CircuitBuildTimeout 5
# Send a padding cell every N seconds to keep firewalls from closing our
# connections while Tor is not in use.
KeepalivePeriod 60
# Force Tor to consider whether to build a new circuit every NUM seconds.
NewCircuitPeriod 15
# How many entry guards should we keep at a time?
NumEntryGuards 8
Go back to the Vidalia Control Panel from the task bar and click Stop Tor, then Start Tor. This will restart Tor.

I think you can speed Tor up some more by selecting exitnodes. I choose only US exitnodes.

Log notice stdout
CircuitBuildTimeout 5
KeepalivePeriod 60
NewCircuitPeriod 15
NumEntryGuards 8
StrictExitNodes 1
ExitNodes Dukeman,team06,port3,ArulSelvan,boobsaregreat,boob saregreat,torxmission,kgabertgoldmine2,703server,F eeble123,gropetheshrike,spoon,Samael,zymurgy,muffi nman,martintorserver,SoftPower,MrsPettyOfficer,Bos tonUCompSci,VecTor,nickNoLimits,dconor2008,ninetai lfox,gulumbalingus,Blackmage,3x0rcyst5p4dd3dc311,r abidweasels,trithnt,UserPC,grove,tordienet,hpoohto r,NoWhereMan,relay1,kkjvps2torrelay,kkjvps1relay,d emon12,euryale,AoF,attalus,gizmo,OuterHaven,Devcom m,perronegro,UlyssesTorrible9th,Equalizer,MeTwo,Me troDallas1,Moffinator,CrypticWoodland,Unnamedinsea ttle,tikki,MofuKah,bettyboop,H4X0R,evoLution,SelfE vident,NyteChyld,japsdad,Midator2,Bobby,Bobby,Unha loedTechy,LetItSnow,worksip,vorpal,KnowledgeIsPowe r,911WasAnInsideJob,PhukDaMan,ididtootheseven,idid tootheseven,multipath,Satchmo,Lawl,Deathsquid,desy nc,Partyman,tortastic,ecksnet,EternalTORment,motow n,BaDonkaDonk,tiberius,jamesdean2000000,LeaseTorre nt,TSTTRBYisaPOS,royalewithcheese,Waltraud,Waltrau d,TorNet,alZaidi,ZealousBaenre,D56CCX91,0xfreespee ch127,Ratu,B7ydWoa2di4vghy,phrenograph,gwen,MYCROF TsOtherChild,Zanter,Undeadlord,KG6AFF,xlTor2,zorri to,safeman45,yourel38jri7zw,allium,ThisIsUniq,invi sibile8753,FFT,1337f3rr37,Sloth1,TTurkey,LickBalls ,multicstor,Fireduck,brazoslink,steinmetz,randsat, carnage27,libertynot4sale,jfksdjflk,jfksdjflk,Lone WOlf,CapNemo,server,BaitSP,cloverfield,smith,Bonzo ,redvoodoo,mwserver,freedom,amendment10,whomthebel ltolls,FartKnocker,JPav,ashes2ashes,ashes2ashes,Sm ilodon,t0rX0rL0v3ly,MADDMUTT2,P,TORServer,Infinite Link,linquist1,FringeWorld,furrywannabe,Insanity,I nsanity,theagricolasTOR,propeller1492a,Topcat,dosa di,mambozo,torchrislinux,arcturus,Snowcrash,BBStac ker,zhop,mleech,cathenserver,statc,022593,clanspum ,Moot,kybalion,odin,cats,alTor,royalewithcheese,ke ndy,utumno,oxyred47,nessuno,glittershy,DizzyAppleW eed,cbwdesk,resipsaloquitor,MackDaddy,oomwrtu,slav enode1,52c5eSH5,Hops,ILikeFreeSpeech,LordSqueek

The exitnodes used in the above code came from this website:

The ExitNodes line should only be in one line.

Open the Vidalia Control Panel (by doubleclicking the Vidalia icon in the System Tray), click Settings, Advanced button then "Edit current torrc" button. Add the code below to your torrc file:
This is an updated, extended list that restricts Tor to use U.S. nodes only and block 245 other countries. 

Copy/paste this to your torrc file:

# A list of nodes never to use when building a circuit.
ExcludeNodes {AD},{AE},{AF},{AG},{AI},{AL},{AM},{AN},{AO},{AQ},{AR},{AS},{AT},{AU},{AW},{AZ},{BA},{BB},{BD},{BE}, {BF},{BG},{BH},{BI},{BJ},{BM},{BN},{BO},{BR},{BS}, {BT},{BU},{BV},{BW},{BY},{BZ},{CA},{CC},{CF},{CG}, {CH},{CI},{CK},{CL},{CM},{CN},{CO},{CR},{CS},{CU}, {CV},{CX},{CY},{CZ},{DD},{DE},{DJ},{DK},{DM},{DO}, {DZ},{EC},{EE},{EG},{EH},{ER},{ES},{ET},{FI},{FJ}, {FK},{FM},{FO},{FR},{FX},{GA},{GB},{GD},{GE},{GF},{GH},{GI},{GL},{GM},{GN},{GP},{GQ},{GR},{GS},{GT},{GU},{GW},{GY},{HK},{HM},{HN},{HR},{HT},{HU},{ID}, {IE},{IL},{IN},{IO},{IQ},{IR},{IS},{IT},{JM},{JO},{JP},{KE},{KG},{KH},{KI},{KM},{KN},{KP},{KR},{KW}, {KY},{KZ},{LA},{LB},{LC},{LI},{LK},{LR},{LS},{LT},{LU},{LV},{LY},{MA},{MC},{MD},{MG},{MH},{ML},{MM},{MN},{MO},{MP},{MQ},{MR},{MS},{MT},{MU},{MV},{MW}, {MX},{MY},{MZ},{NA},{NC},{NE},{NF},{NG},{NI},{NL},{NO},{NP},{NR},{NT},{NU},{NZ},{OM},{PA},{PE},{PF},{PG},{PH},{PK},{PL},{PM},{PN},{PR},{PT},{PW},{PY},{QA},{RE},{RO},{RU},{RW},{SA},{SB},{SC},{SD},{SE}, {SG},{SH},{SI},{SJ},{SK},{SL},{SM},{SN},{SO},{SR},{ST},{SU},{SV},{SY},{SZ},{TC},{TD},{TF},{TG},{TH}, {TJ},{TK},{TM},{TN},{TO},{TP},{TR},{TT},{TV},{TW},{TZ},{UA},{UG},{UM},{UY},{UZ},{VA},{VC},{VE},{VG},{VI},{VN},{VU},{WF},{WS},{YD},{YE},{YT},{YU},{ZA},{ZM},{ZR},{ZW},{ZZ}

Because Tor isn't bouncing around the whole world anymore restricting it to one country should also improve Tor's speed a little.

Here is another method from
The control panel is displaying the current status of Tor. Additional information are displayed which we are going to use to find servers located in the country that we need an IP address from. A click on View the network displays a visual representation of all Tor servers but only if Tor is running. 
Servers can be sorted by country flag and do have a performance indicator next to them as well. Write down some server names with the best performance and leave the menu again. We need to add those servers as exit nodes to the Tor configuration. A click on Settings and there on the advanced tab displays a menu where you find the entry Tor Configuration Menu.
A click on Browse opens the browse for files dialog. Left-click on the file "torrc" and choose Edit from that menu. Now add the following two lines to the configuration, just paste it at the beginning for instance: 
ExitNodes server1, server2, server3 
StrictExitNodes 1
Replace server1, server 2 and so on with the server names that you have written down in the network display window. Stop and restart Tor afterwards and the changes should have been made.
Now we have to add a http proxy to our browser. Firefox users click on Tools > Options > Advanced Network and there on the button Settings. Select Manual Proxy Configuration and enter localhost and port 8118 there.

Here is a guide for using OpenPandora outside the U.S. with TOR taken from
  1. Install Tor.

    Go to and download just Tor (marked for experts only), or use this link
  2. Update torrc file.

    Open torrc file from Start->Programs->Vidalia->Tor->torrc and add/paste at the bottom the following code:
    StrictExitNodes 1
    exitnodes desync,whistlersmother,lefkada,bettyboop,croeso,TorLuwakOrg,nixnix,inap1,redpineapple,cronic,sasquatch,slowturtle2

    This will force the last server to be located in US.
  3. Create tor.pac file. I have created it directly under c: drive (c:\tor.pac).
    Start by creating new text file. Open it in Notepad and paste the following:

    function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
    if (shExpMatch(host, "")) return "SOCKS";
    return "DIRECT";

    Rename it tor.pac.
  4. Set tor.pac to be used for automatic configuration in Internet Explorer. Here's how:
    Open Internet Explorer. Go to Tools->Internet Options.
    Select Connections tab.
    Click the Lan Settings button.
    Check/Select 'Use automatic configuration script'.
    Write in Address "file://" following the tor.pac file name with full path. I wrote "file://c:\tor.pac" (without the quotation marks).
Now you activate Tor from Start->Programs->Vidalia->Tor->Tor and run OpenPandora. It will take some time until Pandora will load, but when it loads the music never stops. If that doesn't work click Start>type RUN in Start Search box and hit Enter. Type cmd and hit Enter. Type this and hit Enter:"C:\Program Files\Vidalia Bundle\Tor\tor.exe"(by the way, include the quotes)Now run OpenPandora.

In torrc file there is a line similar to this one: 
"SocksPort 9050 # what port to open for local application connections"It declares the port used for Tor. In this example, it is 9050. Same port number is used in tor.pac file. Make sure they are the same.

Also, sometimes Pandora shows the restricted page but states that your IP is from the US. Just refresh and see if it works.

To make sure that IE settings work, try to open when Tor is down. You should see IE error navigation page. Otherwise your IE settings are wrong or tor.pac is incorrect.
The location of your torrc file depends on the way you installed Tor.
*On Windows, you can find it in the Start menu under Programs -> Tor, or you can find it by hand in either \Application Data\tor\torrc or \username\Application Data\tor\torrc*On OS X, open your favorite text editor and load /Library/Tor/torrc*On Unix, if you installed a pre-built package, look for /etc/torrc or /etc/tor/torrc or consult your package's documentation.*Finally, if you installed from source, you may not have a torrc installed yet: look in /usr/local/etc/ and note that you may need to manually copy torrc.sample to torrc.
-- taken from

If you use Firefox here is how you add the pac script:

Click on the Connection Settings button
Select "Automatic proxy configuration URL"
and if you have it in the location specified in the tutorial then you should enter "file:///c:/tor.pac"
You may need to hit the reload button, I dunno.
Then just hit the OK buttons and start listening.

I simply added the following line of code to the torrc file (do this by going to Settings in the Vidalia Control Panel, then selecting Advanced. Then hit the button that says "Edit current torrc." Add this in a new line immediately after the end:
ExitNodes {gb}
Best to copy and paste it! The country abbreviation is in brackets – in this case gb is Great Britain. Try the appropriate abbreviation for your own country or the country you want proxies from. I have found that this works reliably. It is simple to check by going to View the Network in the Vidalia Control Panel. The connections will be shown in a box. By left-clicking on one of the connections, its details will be shown so that you can check the country.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

TouchFreeze & other solutions to the cursor jumping around

Several of our My Computer Headaches Yahoogroup members are having problems with their cursor jumping around randomly and even switching to other open programs (ex: from the internet browser to the word processor). This problem shows up in many different brands of laptops. One solution proposed is installing TouchFreeze. It is a utility for Windows which disables touchpad automatically while you are typing text. Some suspect that when we use the keyboard on a laptop we accidentally bump, graze or put pressure on the touchpad which is directly just below the keyboard. Of course you can always go to your Control Panel and proceed to Mouse Properties to disable your touchpad the long way. However, it still means you have to re-enable it when you'd like to use it. TouchFreeze makes doing this a little easier, and as long as you're not doing any heavy photo-editing that might necessitate the simultaneous use of the touchpad and keys, this should be a winner of a program for you. You should be able to find the TouchFreeze icon displayed in your System Tray. It is free and open-sourced that works with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows Server 2003/2008, and Windows 7. More details on TouchFreeze here. Please note that this app might not work with certain laptops, but should work with most netbooks and laptops that lack the disable touchpad button.

For other possible solutions to the problem of the cursor jumping around randomly you can try the following suggestions whichever is applicable to your laptop:

1.  Double click on touchpad icon in your system tray. Click on "Pointer Options". Then click on "Advanced"  tab in left upper corner. Click on Advanced Feature setting. Click on "Settings" in Pointer speed and tapping setting box. Uncheck "Enable Tap" box. Click Apply.  

2.  Turn off the Enhanced Pointer Precision Feature. To turn it off click Start, click Run, type "control mouse" (without the quotes), and then click OK. Click the Pointer Options tab, uncheck the Enhance pointer precision checkbox, click Apply and OK.OR:
Go to Control Panel ->Mouse -> Pointer Options -> Uncheck the "Enhance Pointer Precision" and check if it resolves the issue. 

3.  Someone in another forum concluded that in his case at least the jumping cursor problem was a boot sector virus infection issue. He fixed it by starting his computer in Safe Mode (by continuously hitting F8 while his PC was booting up until he saw the bootup menu), then doing a virus scan. He figured this out when after reformatting his hard drive, the problem persisted; therefore the only place for the information to hide was in the boot sector. When you run a virus scan in Safe Mode, the virus cannot hide itself from the antivirus scanner. At least this one worked for him. It is worth a try.

4.  Paris of MCH suggested going to the Mouse Control Panel. There should be a setting there that says "Hide pointer while typing". The location of that setting will vary depending on which type of hardware drivers you have installed, but enabling that setting should help.

Click Start>PC Help and tools.
Click Application Recovery.
Click driver installation.
Highlight and click keyboard software.

6.  This one was posted in a Microsoft forum:
You may also try to update the drivers for mouse by following the steps:
a. Open Device Manager by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Maintenance, and then clicking Device Manager. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
b. In Device Manager, locate the device you want to update, and then double-click the device name.
c. Click the Driver tab, and then click Update Driver and follow the instructions.
You may refer the following link and perform an online scan on your computer to check whether your computer is been infected by any virus:

Disabling Proxy Caching in Internet Explorer

When you configure Internet Explorer to use an automatic proxy configuration script, it caches the proxy that you use. This prevents you from using different proxies to gain access to the same Web server you are trying to access. To resolve this problem you may have to disable the proxy caching in IE.

In IE 8, you can disable the proxy caching using two methods:

1.  Open Internet Explorer 8, and go to: Tools->Internet Options->Browsing History Settings: choose "Check for newer versions of stored pages: Every time I visit the webpage". It seems to work immediately without restart of browser or PC.

2.  The following method was copied from Tomstricks:


  • Start the Windows registry editor by clicking Start, then, Run, and then entering regedit.
  • You’ll need to provide administrative confirmation if User Account Control(UAC) is turned on(If you are using Windows Vista).
  • Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  • If you cant find that registry key, try this one instead:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  • From the Edit menu select New -> DWORD value.
  • Enter a name of EnableAutoproxyResultCache and press Enter.
  • Double click the new value(EnableAutoproxyResultCache) and set to 0.
Note: Setting “0" will disable automatic proxy caching.If you want to enable automatic proxy caching(this is the default behavior) in Internet Explorer at a later time, set it “1" or simply delete the this key.
  • Click OK and exit Windows Registry Editor.
  • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

A third method using Group Policy is mentioned here.

Windows 7: Speeding up display of Windows menus

Windows 7 menus have a short delay when being displayed. To access the menus quicker, follow these steps.
Suggestion: When toying with the Registry, it would be best to back it up before doing any changes to it.
1. Launch the registry editor by entering regedit.exe into the search box in your Start menu.
2. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
3. Look for MenuShowDelay in the right pane.
4. Change the default value 400 to something lower like 10.
5. Doubleclick the item and enter the value. Confirm with OK.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to find out if your email is sending out virus

Here is one way of finding out if your email account is spamming people with virus.

In your contact list add a bogus/fictitious email like or something similar so when the virus sends out an email to all the people in your contact list the bogus email account will also get sent the same. As a result you will receive an email notification of a failed mail attempt which will confirm that your email account was hacked or infected. You can then proceed to change your password and run a virus scan.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Video DownloadHelper for Firefox

Just like Google Chrome, Firefox does not have a tool which can be used to download videos from websites. But there is a Firefox extension which you can install to add this lacking functionality in Firefox. The extension is called Video DownloadHelper. 

How to install it
While using Firefox, go to then click the "Add to Firefox" button. In the next window that appears, click the "Install Now" button. Then click "Restart Now" in the next window. Notice that on the left side of the Address bar of Firefox there is a gray icon containing what look like 3 balloons tied together. 

How to use it
Now go to YouTube and choose any video that you want to download. Note how the 3-balloon icon animates when you get to a video page in YouTube. The movement of the icon indicates that the extension is detecting a video it can download on the page/site you are on. If you click the small black triangle to the right of the animated icon, you will be presented with several video options you can choose. Take your pick. Your downloaded video can be found in C:\Users\(your account name here)\dwhelper. You can go to other video-carrying websites to see if this extension supports them. If the icon does not animate it means it does not support the site...which means you have to try another extension or another software to download the videos that you want.

This extension supports so many video sites so it is a valuable addition to your Firefox if you are anyone who likes collecting videos.

Flash Video Downloader for Google Chrome

If you are like us, you probably have a few Internet browsers installed in your computer. Most people have Internet Explorer (IE), Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome. We use Chrome a lot in our daily browsing. One of this browser's inadequacies is it doesn't have a built-in tool for downloading embedded flash videos or an easy way to download videos found in video sites.

Luckily I found Flash Video Downloader which makes it possible for Chrome to download embedded videos seen in websites. It did not disappoint me. It is a Chrome extension. 

How to install it
While using Chrome, proceed to and click "Download Now". At the bottom bar of Chrome, click the Continue button. Then click the Install button. Notice that at the end of the Address bar of Chrome there now appears a fat blue OR gray arrow pointing downward. That is the icon of the Flash Video Downloader (FVD). When the installation of the extension is completed, close Chrome and then re-start it. 

How to use it
When you are in a video site playing a particular video just click the blue arrow icon and choose your preferred format of the video you want to download. Flash Video Downloader works differently for each site. When you click the arrow a small window appears giving you a choice between downloading the video as an FLV or an MP4 file. Sometimes it will automatically download the video as an FLV file. Sometimes it will take you to where you will be presented with a link that you can right-click on and save in order to download the video. Flash Video Downloader has a huge list of supported sites. 

We think that this extension is a great addition to Google Chrome for anyone who likes to collect videos. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Programs we install on new PCs or freshly installed Windows: Part 1